Tennessee Association of Independent Schools
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Fall 2023 Cybersecurity 101 Workshop
Friday, October 27, 2023, 1:00 PM - 3:30 PM CDT
Category: Other Events

Fall 2023 Cybersecurity 101 Workshop

Making our schools safe from cyber attacks and identity theft can seem like a never-ending concern, especially as cybersecurity concerns for schools have only increased in recent years. 

To help provide you with resources to keep your school safer against these threats, TAIS is proud to partner with the Association of Technology Leaders in Independent Schools (ATLIS) for the Fall 2023 Cybersecurity 101 Workshop.

This five-hour workshop over two consecutive Fridays (Oct. 27 and Nov. 3) provides a framework for building a cyber safety team and practical steps to build a culture of cyber awareness and safe practices for independent schools.

October 27 and November 3, 2023 
1:00 - 3:30 pm CDT / 2:00 - 4:30 pm EDT

Target Audience:
This program is designed for leaders of independent schools, including technology directors, technology coordinators, academic deans, CFOs, and heads of school who are responsible for managing cybersecurity risks and promoting a safe and secure online environment for their students, faculty, and staff.

This introduction to cybersecurity will address creating a cyber safety team within your school, establishing a culture of safe practices, and implementing practical steps for building cyber awareness.

The workshop spans two consecutive Fridays and includes a combination of live instruction, special topics conversations, and hands-on activities. Participants will have access to technology experts who will offer advice and insights to address cyber safety concerns. During the workshop, attendees will also have the opportunity to complete interactive exercises to take action toward cyber safety.

Week 1 - Building a Cyber Safety Team
The first week will focus on building a cyber safety team and establishing a culture of cyber awareness within your school. Topics will include understanding cyber threats, creating a cyber safety team, and identifying the roles and responsibilities of each team member.

Week 2 - Practical Steps for Building Cyber Awareness
The second week will delve into practical steps for building cyber awareness and implementing safe practices in your school. Topics will include securing your school's network and devices, developing student and staff cyber safety education programs, and creating an incident response plan.

In addition to the workshop, attendees will have access to a follow-up summit with industry resources to address any urgent concerns or questions.


  • A better understanding of cyber threats and how they can impact independent schools and their communities
  • A clear framework for establishing a cyber safety team within the school
  • Practical steps for developing a culture of cyber awareness and implementing safe practices in the school
  • Increased awareness of the importance of cyber safety and the potential risks associated with technology
  • Enhanced knowledge of the resources available to schools and educators to ensure cyber safety
  • Access to industry experts and resources to address any urgent concerns or questions after the workshop

Pricing Per Person: 
ATLiS and TAIS Member Schools: $150 - contact Kristina for the TAIS Membership Code
Guests: $200

Register Here

Registration is completed on the ATLIS website and all communication regarding the workshop will be forthcoming from ATLIS. Registration questions, please contact [email protected].