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TAIS Roundtable, Continued

Advancement Professionals' Roundtable Series

September 2024-June 2025  |  Monthly, Tuesdays 9:00am CT | 10:00 am ET

Virtual via Zoom

Facilitated by Dennis Ring, this returning roundtable will create space for advancement, development, and philanthropy professionals to connect over goals and challenges, generate new ideas, and create a circle of trusted colleagues for the long term. Topics will vary and be based in part on the needs and ideas of attendees. Guest facilitators will join each month, adding a layer of expertise and sharpening each conversation.

Registration Ongoing.    Learn More and Register


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TAIS Roundtable, Continued

AI in the Classroom Roundtable Series

September 2024-June 2025  |  Monthly, Fridays 11:30am CT / 12:30pm ET Virtual via Zoom

Kollin Falk, a middle school teacher at Hutchison School, will facilitate conversations where attendees will find and share AI resources, collaborate on applications, and refine their practices. Emphasizing AI as both a means for student engagement and supportive of instructional design, this roundtable will be inspired by Kollin's extensive classroom practice with AI but shaped around the needs and curiosities of attendees.

Registration Ongoing.    Learn More and Register


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TAIS Intensive

Championship Culture Leadership Cohort

January 2024 - June 2025   |   Nashville, Tennessee and Virtual
Kick-Off Weekend: January 24-25, 2025 at Harpeth Hall School, Nashville         
A "championship culture" leads to individual flourishing and measurable gains in team performance and student outcomes, but such a culture doesn’t emerge by chance or hope. This year-long program equips leaders with the frameworks and tools they need to deliberately cultivate the conditions for high-performing teams, faculty groups, and schools. Lauren Evans and Meera Shah will facilitate this year-long cohort comprised of monthly group development sessions, an in-person workshop, online modules, and optional, personal strategy sessions.

Registration Closed January 10th.  Learn More and Register


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TAIS Intensive, Continued

New and Emerging Leaders Institute 

September 6, 2024 - April 26, 2025   |   Nashville, Tennessee
Our eight-month cohort-based program, comprised of interactive workshops, mentorship, school shadowing visits, keynote sessions, and networking, provides fundamental leadership training specifically designed for new and potential leaders in independent schools.
Applications for 2024-2025 are closed.  Learn More About NELI

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TAIS Workshop

Welcome to Our World: Masterclass in Faculty Orientation and Mentoring

February 10, 2025  |  8:30am - 3:00pm CT
St. Paul Christian Academy, Nashville, Tennessee

With the challenges of teacher shortages and high turnover, this full-day workshop with Meera Shah addresses the critical need for strategic, comprehensive onboarding and mentoring.

Registration Closes January 27th.    Learn More and Register

TAIS Workshop

School Safety and Security Workshop with Defend Systems

March 27, 2025  |  8:30am - 3:00pm CST 
Knoxville, Tennessee

This workshop offers participants an accessible, high-quality school security and active shooter response training by respected network partner, Defend Systems. The morning sessions will focus on history and decision-making strategy, while the afternoon will engage participants in hands-on training in engaging an intruder and pre-hospital medical response.

Registration Closes March 21st.     Learn More and Register

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TAIS Mini-Conference

Programs and Practices for Christian Schools

Monday, March 3, 2025 |   8:30am - 3:30pm CST
Christ Methodist Day School, Memphis, Tennessee

The Programs and Practices for Christian Schools Mini-Conference exists to facilitate a unique collaboration among schools offering a Christian education. With conversations dipping into classroom practice while also reaching for broader questions with school-wide impact, this mini-conference aims to bring teachers, leaders, and parents to the table. Half-day and full-day tickets available!

Registration Closes February 24th.  Learn More and Register



TAIS Mini-Conference

SEL and Student Well-Being Mini-Conference

Friday, April 11, 2025  |    8:30am-3:30pm CST
Nashville, Tennessee

Stay tuned for more!

Registration Closes March 28th.   Learn More and Register

TAIS Mini-Conference

Neurodivergence-Informed Schools Mini-Conference

Wednesday, April 30, 2025  |    8:30am-3:30pm CST
Roberts Academy and Dyslexia Center, Nashville, Tennessee

Stay tuned for more!

Registration Closes April 16th.   Learn More and Register

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TAIS Workshop

Digital Marketing for the Independent School World

May 1, 2025  |    8:30am-3:30pm CST
Nashville, Tennessee

While summer vacation brings rest and a reset, the quiet around campus also offers a refocus: when prospective families can’t be on campus with the core of our community, how do we engage them strategically and authentically? With a particular lens for the independent school market, this workshop will guide attendees through digital marketing strategies for enhancing outreach and fostering sustainable engagement. 

Registration Closes April 24th.   Learn More and Register


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TAIS Mini-Conference

Curricular Leadership Mini-Conference

Friday, September 29, 2025   |   8:30am - 3:00pm CT
Davidson Academy, Nashville, Tennessee

The Curricular Leadership Mini-Conference creates space for curricular leaders to focus inwardly on their own development while also facing forward to explore--and share their own expertise on--innovative, best-fit practices for teaching and learning to take back to their schools.

Registration Closes September 15th.  Learn More and Register