Tennessee Association of Independent Schools
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School Safety and Security Workshop
Thursday, December 01, 2022, 9:30 AM - 2:00 PM CDT
Category: Other Events

School Safety and Security Workshop

Presented by: Brink Fidler, Founder and President of Defend Systems

December 1, 2022
@ Harding Academy, Nashville

Workshop Description: 
Active shooter scenarios have become a tragic part of our modern world. Multiple shootings have taken place in K-12 schools and on college campuses across the nation and around the world, and they continue to raise the issue of safety and security at educational institutions.
While schools continue to be targeted, forward thinking school administrators are looking at safeguards that can be taken to protect our children. Development of design standards for new schools, as well as hardware, software, safety protocols, and high-quality training for faculty and staff, will aid in providing a safe haven for all who enter our school buildings.
This School Safety & Security Workshop will take a deeper dive into the issues related to school safety and security as well as the short/ long term solutions that are impacting the education sector.

This dynamic training workshop is comprised of four main elements: 
1. A History Lesson for Educators: During part one, we'll explore past events, utilizing accurate and specific data points, and discuss how  lessons learned from tragedy should be shaping our future. Utilizing detailed case studies of historical  events, attendees will learn about extremely important missteps during past events and how we can  improve moving forward. History is our greatest educator. 
2. D.E.F.E.N.D.: Phase two launches into the D.E.F.E.N.D acronym of Deter, Evade, Fortify, Evaluate, Notify, and Defend,  to give attendees specific and actionable steps to take during an active violence event. The steps are  easy to learn, applicable in any location, and easy to recall during an emergency.
3. Confronting the Assailant: Phase three involves some light “hands on” training that empowers attendees with valuable insight and  knowledge about certain weapon control techniques and simple, yet effective, strategies for disarming  an attacker. Attendees will also learn the valuable skillset of how to render an assailant unconscious in a  matter of seconds, regardless of size and strength.
4. Rapid Response Medical: The last phase transitions to the trauma medical and pre-hospital care training. Often, victims of these  attacks do not die instantly, but die quickly from massive blood loss. We incorporate extensive bleeding  control training into our curriculum for this very purpose. The training is designed for civilians and does  not include any type of graphic imagery. Our founder and all of our team members have chosen careers in law enforcement and emergency  medicine because we are truly passionate about keeping people safe. We understand the severity of  this topic and we also understand our audience. We know that everyone we train comes from a  different walk of life with different experiences, differing political views, and differing opinions on safety  in general and we tailor all our programming with these things top of mind. It is our goal to empower  EVERY person that we train regardless of what pre-conceived notions they had prior to the training. Our  goal is to save lives through education and empowerment so that when a critical incident occurs, not  only will you react, you will RESPOND.

Target Audience:
Heads of School, Directors of Operations and Facilities, Security and Safety Officers, Athletic Directors and Coaches, Office Managers, After Hours Care Providers, and any Faculty who would like to learn more on how to be proactive in these situations. 

Pricing Per Person:
TAIS Member Schools: $165
Guests: $245



“Brink and Defend Systems did three things incredibly well: knew their audience, empowered us with knowledge, and gave us tactics around taking care of our students in the event of an active shooter. Our school is a better and safer place for having worked with Defend Systems.” – David Skeen, Head of School, Harding Academy

“This is the best training we have ever had, and I would highly recommend this program to any school, church, or business in the community.  Furthermore, I would like for my own family to go through this training.” – Jim McIntyre, Head of School, Father Ryan

“Our school's work with Defend Systems and Brink Fidler gave confidence to our faculty that they know what to do in the event of an active intruder. An otherwise overwhelming and inconceivable event was given a tangible procedure, thus making us all more confident that we can take care of our students in any situation. Defend Systems helped us take a deep breath and learn what we needed to learn in an engaging, truly worthwhile experience.” – Katherine Koonce, Head of School, The Covenant School

Presenter Bio:

Brink Fidler is the founder and President of Defend Systems, a life safety and security consulting firm specializing in physical security and active violence mitigation. He is a frequently booked public speaker on the topic of active violence events and organizational response. Having served nearly two decades in law enforcement in Nashville, TN, where he retired as the Director of the Drug Task Force, he has amassed a vast and unique knowledge base in the world of high-risk tactical operations and true physical security. This extensive background, coupled with his continuous and in-depth study of active shooter events, gives him a unique and insightful approach to this frequent and worsening problem as well as best practices for mitigating damage during such an event. As a widely recognized expert on the topics of physical security and mass casualty attacks, he will not only enlighten and significantly educate your audience, but he will also empower everyone with the ability to respond decisively during any critical incident.



TAIS Board-Approved Cancellation Policy
Attendees will receive a full refund for an in-person event if they cancel up to three weeks prior to the event and a 50% refund up to two weeks before the event. Refunds are not possible after two weeks prior to the event due to the costs incurred for food orders and other administrative and setup fees. All refunds will reflect a 15% administration fee.